Function: High-throughput \next-generation"sequencing for genomics studies."""
Features: u High-throughput sequencing. The NextSeq 500 enables sequencing of exomes, whole genomes, and transcriptomes and supports TruSeqTM, TruSightTM, and NexteraTM libraries.u Flow cell types. Flow cells are available in configurations for high output and mid output. Each flow cell type is kitted with a compatible prefilled reagent cartridge.u Real-Time Analysis (RTA) Integrated analysis software performs on-instrument data analysis, which includes image analysis and base calling. The NextSeq uses an implementation of RTA called RTA v2, which includes important architecture and feature differences. For more information, see Real-Time Analysis on page 43.u Cloud-based analysis with BaseSpaceTM Sequence Hub. The sequencing workflow is integrated with BaseSpace Sequence Hub, the Illumina genomics cloud computing environment for run monitoring, data analysis, storage, and collaboration. As the run progresses, output files are streamed in real time to BaseSpace Sequence Hub for analysis.u On-instrument data analysis. The Local Run Manager software analyzes run data according to the analysis module specified for the run.