Function: The Waters Breeze gel permeation chromatography (GPC) system is a standalone HPLC instrument dedicated to characterizing the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution (MWD) of polymers. It consists of a 1525 binary HPLC pump, a 1500 column heater, a manual injector, an inline degasser AF, a 2414 refractive index detector and a 2487 dual _ absorbance UV/Vis detector. With the installed three Styragel high resolution columns (HR2, HR4 and HR5, 7.8_300 mm) that are connected together, it is capable of measuring molecular weight in the range of 10E2 Ð 10E5. The GPC columns are compatible with THF. THF is the default eluent. The polymer samples must have a good solubility in THF.
Features: a 1525 binary HPLC pump, a 1500 column heater, a manual injector, an inline degasser AF, a 2414 refractive index detector and a 2487 dual λ absorbance UV/Vis detector