Agilent 7890BGC/Agilent 5977BMSD mass spectrometer
Model: 7890B GC and 5977B MSD
Function: This instrument is a gas chromatograph with a quadrupole mass spectrometer utilizing electron ionization(EI) for targeted metabolomics assays, untargeted quantitative GC-MS, and reaction monitoring.
Features: -7890B GC Specifications:-Full electronic pressure control-Dual split/splitless injectors (front and back), 40 ûC - 450 ûC-Both columns go into MS. Usually 0.18 mm i.d., 20 m DB-5MS column on back, 0.25 mm i.d., 30 m DB-5MS column on front. Can use both columns during a sequence with no hardware change-150 position autosampler for 0.1-5 uL injections-5977B MSD Mass Spectrometer Specifications:-Extractor EI source, electron ionization, 2-1050 m/z (positive ions)-Unit resolution (0.6 Da wide peaks) and mass accuracy (±0.15 Da)-Detect 1 pg of C10F8 @ 1500:1 signal:noise ratio-Fast scan up to 20,000 amu/sec