Nikon live cell imaging system
Model: Nikon
Function: Nikon live cell imaging system is configured for high-speed imaging of living samples. Built around an inverted Nikon Eclipse Ti stand, it supports both confocal and widefield imaging. Confocal microscopy is based upon a Yokogawa CSU-X1 spinning disk, with laser illumination provided at 442, 488, 514 and 561 nm via an Agilent launch with images collected using a Photometrics Prime 95B Scientific CMOS. Widefield epifluorescence microscopy can be conducted using a Xenon lamp source, with optics suitable for excitation from 340 nm to 700 nm, with images collected by a Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0LT Scientific CMOS. It is equipped with a Perfect Focus system, a motorized stage that supports automatic time course studies of multiple fields and a stage-top incubator for maintaining a heated and CO2 dependent environment to ensure stable long term imaging of cultured cells.
Features: Nikon live cell imaging system is configured for high-speed imaging of living samples. Built around an inverted Nikon Eclipse Ti stand, it supports both confocal and widefield imaging. Confocal microscopy is based upon a Yokogawa CSU-X1 spinning disk, with laser illumination provided at 442, 488, 514 and 561 nm via an Agilent launch with images collected using a Photometrics Prime 95B Scientific CMOS. Widefield epifluorescence microscopy can be conducted using a Xenon lamp source, with optics suitable for excitation from 340 nm to 700 nm, with images collected by a Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0LT Scientific CMOS. It is equipped with a Perfect Focus system, a motorized stage that supports automatic time course studies of multiple fields and a stage-top incubator for maintaining a heated and CO2 dependent environment to ensure stable long term imaging of cultured cells.
- Unit: IUSM Indianapolis
- Campus:
- School of Medicine
- Resource Type:
- Equipment
- Contact Name: Gosia Kamocka
- Contact Email: mkamocka@iu.edu
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