Function: This confocal microscope can be used to image fixed and living samples. It can provide brightfield, differential interference contract (DIC), widefield, and confocal images. With an array of available laser lines, it is capable of multi-labeled imaging (up to four fluorophores simultaneously). The scope can operate in up to 4D imaging (i.e., 3D imaging over time). With respect to live cell imaging and living samples in general, an available stage incubator can facilitate imaging over a period of days. Aside from imaging, it is also equipped for Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments.
Features: The confocal microscope is equipped with a mercury lamp for EPI imaging and 405, 458, 488, 515, 543, and 635nm laser lines for confocal imaging. The software has an available dye list so that users can simply select the fluorophores being used and the software will determine the appropriate laser lines and associated filters to limit crosstalk. The scope has 10x and 20x air objectives, 40x and 60x water objectives, and a 20x oil objective.
Unit: Integrated Nanosystems Development Institute