Denton Desk Carbon Evaporation and Sputter Coating
Model: Denton Desk V Turbo
Function: This tool can be used to coat samples with metals and carbon. This includes usage that ranges from SEM sample preparation to fabrication. Standard coating materials include carbon (via carbon evaporation), Gold (via sputtering), and Copper (via sputtering). Note, other targets can be purchased to allow the sputtering of other metals. This instrument does have an associated user fee to help cover the cost of consumables.
Features: This tool is capable of both sputtering and carbon evaporation. It has both manual and automated modes. Samples can be up to approximately 3in in diameter. It is equipped with a turbo pump to allow it to reach vacuum pressures on the order of x10-4 Torr to yield high quality and uniform coatings.
Unit: Integrated Nanosystems Development Institute