Function: This high resolution JEOL7800F Field Emission Electron Microscope is equipped with detectors to support topographical imaging, compositional imaging, and quantitative elemental analysis. The facility is equipped with basic preparation tools as well as a carbon evaporation and gold sputtering capabilities. This equipment has an associated user fee and INDI's Operations Manager provides technical support, technician sample running, and user training.
Features: This JEOL7800F Field Emission Electron Microscope is equipped with the following detectors: 1) Lower Electron Detector (imaging), 2) Upper Electron Detector (high resolution (0.7nm) imaging), 3) Retractable Backscatter Detector (compositional imaging), 4) STEM Detector (transmitted electron imaging), and EDAX Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy Detector (quantitative elemental analysis). For non-conductive samples, a carbon evaporator/gold sputter coater (Denton Desk V Turbo) is also available.
Unit: Integrated Nanosystems Development Institute