Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC and Agilent 6135 LC MS XT
Model: 1290 LC and 6135 MS
Function: Ultra high pressure liquid chromatograph connected to a single quadrupole electrospray ionization source for organic reaction monitoring, high through-put nominal mass screening, and quantitative LC-MS.
Features: UHPLC Specifications:-Dual G7120A pumps (1300 bar max)-G7167B injector with dual sampling loops and needles and G7116B 2-position heated column compartment for high throughput screening-G7117B Diode Array Detector (UV-VIS, 190-640 nm, 240 Hz data rate) LC MSD/XT Mass Spectrometer Specifications:-2-3000 m/z with fast scan rate (up to 10,000 amu/sec)-Unit Mass Accuracy and Resolution: ±0.15 Da, 0.7 Da wide peaks-Rapid polarity switching (< 50 msec) enables positive and negative ion detection in a single analysis-Jet Stream high sensitivity ESI source