Function: This instrument is a hybrid mass spectrometer incorporating a linear ion trap and an orbitrap mass analyzer for accurate mass analysis of small molecules for formula confirmation, LC-MS/MS with accurate mass detection, and data dependent LC-MS/MS.
Features: LTQ Orbitrap XL Specifications:-Mass range: 50-2000 m/z; 200-4000 m/z-Mass accuracy: <3 ppm at up to 100,000 resolving power-Analytical scale ESI and APCI sources, nano ESI source*Compatible with Advion Triversa nanomate 1100 HPLC Specifications:-400 bar binary pump-Heated 2 position column compartment autosampler-No cooling on autosampler-LC control through separate ChemStation program. Nano HPLC Specifications:-Dual gradient pumps single loading for 2D LC*Max flow rate of 500 nL/min at 10,000 psi*Column heating available (requires separate nanospray tip)-Max flow rate of 30 uL/min for loading pump*5 mm long, 100 µm i.d. trap, 10 cm long 75 µm i.d. separation column standard setup