Our JEOL JEM 3200FS transmission electron microscope (TEM) is an intermediate voltage (300 kV) electron microscope similar to the one shown in this image from the JEOL USA website. This electron microscope uses a thermal field emission gun (FEG) as its electron source, providing an extremely bright and coherent beam of electrons for use in imaging and analysis. The 3200FS installed in Simon Hall during the last half of 2008 is equipped with an in-column energy filter and a Gatan UltraScan 4000 CCD camera. Note that the 3200FS is a different instrument from the JEOL JEM 3200FSC, which is the liquid helium cooled 300 kV TEM found in cryoEM facilities such the New York Structural Biology Center (NYSBC) and the National Center for Macromolecular Imaging (NCMI). In addition to the TEM capabilities of the 3200FS, our instrument is also equipped with scan coils and detectors that allow it to function as a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). The dual capabilities of TEM and STEM makes such instruments significantly different from dedicated STEM machines like the Hitachi HD2700C or the VG HB501, and the designation (S)TEM or S/TEM is sometimes used to indicate that an instrument is capable of both STEM and TEM imaging. In terms of physical appearance, the greatest differences between the instrument show here and our 3200FS are the presence of an Oxford EDX detector high on the right side of the column and a TV monitor to the left of the column for the TV rate camera located below the bottom-mount Gatan CCD camera. In addition, we have a pair of equal-sized computer monitors (instead of the smaller and larger ones shown above) connected to a PC that is in turn connected to the 3200FS's microprocessor. In addition to the PC driving these monitors, there is a second (dual-monitor) PC connected to the Gatan UltraScan 4000 CCD camera and to DigiScan (Gatan's STEM control unit), and a third PC connected to the Oxford EDX detector. These PCs and their monitors are housed in a unit to the immediate right of the 3200FS and within easy reach of the operator. This bank of monitors is controlled by either the keyboard and mouse on the console of the 3200FS or the additional keyboard and mouse on this second desktop. Documents relating to the use of the JEOL 3200FS can be found here.